Fully automatic fire extinguishing robot "KesuRobo"
This "KESUROBO" is the first innovative initial fire extinguishing activity product focused on initial fire fighting activities of general homes and small facilities

Fully automatic fire extinguishing robot "KesuRobo"
This product is a fire extinguisher robotic device that can fire initial fire fighting activities 24 hours a day, 365 days without human power.
【CFP】住宅火災から弱者を守れ 自動消火システム「ケスロボ®」
Protect vulnerable people from housing fire. Automatic extinguishing system "KesuRobo"
Japan is advancing reform of home care medicine. Older people and supporting supporters are increasingly living alone at home. Therefore, what is worried is a residential fire. The number of deaths in residential fire has been around around 1000 per year, of which 70% of elderly people aged 65 and older are occupied.
How to save people who are difficult to move by themselves from residential fire? Measures are strongly required.
In the meantime, breakthrough products were developed. Fully automatic fire extinguisher capable of performing initial fire fighting activities without requiring human power at all.
That is "kesrovo".
- 映像制作:株式会社 カウテレビジョン
- Date: 25 Jan, 2019
- Online: http://www.cowtv.jp
A state of fire extinguishing experiment of "KesuRobo®"
This video is a video of a fire extinguishing experiment of a fully automatic fire extinguisher "KesuRobo". This situation is simulating the case of a fire from the kitchen floor.
This KesuRobo is
1) Discover the fires and point the camera module towards the flame.
2) Next, we focus on the size of the flame and continue to monitor its growth.
3) If the size of the flame exceeds a certain level, it is injected when it is judged that the kettle is dangerous.
4) After injection, send SMS to your acquaintance who registered in advance.
5) In the e-mail sent by Kess Robo, a photograph of the situation of the fire species before the injection and a picture of the site situation after the injection are also attached. In the unlikely event that the extinguishment fails after injection from the machine, the site situation can be confirmed in the photograph.
The above is a series of flows with this product.
*Browsing WEB sites and maps in movies can not currently be done
How about your facility as a support robot for your initial firefighting activity?

Unlike conventional fire extinguishers (including fire extinguishers), this "KesuRobo" automatically detects the fire base by attaching it to a conventional fire extinguisher and turns the nozzle toward that direction , It is a product that pushes down the injection lever by the power of the motor. We will notify people concerned by the function of the network and also report the phone.
Watch our videoケスロボの機能
24H Monitoring
24時間、365日休みなくあなたの貴重な人やモノが炎に包まれない様にRGBカメラと赤外線カメラで監視しています。This product is watching with your RGB camera and infrared camera so that your precious people and things will not be surrounded by flames 24 hours a day, 365 days a day off.
従来の熱感知方式ではなく、赤外線カメラの画像検出技術との紫外線検出方法を組合み併せて炎を検知します。This product combines the ultraviolet detection method with the image detection technology of the infrared camera, not the conventional heat sensing method, and detects the flame.
AUTO extinguisher
炎が大きくなり、危険水準に達したら、安全ピンと噴射レバーを人間の力は一切使わずにモーターの力で動作させます。When the flame becomes dangerous and it reaches the dangerous level, "KesuRobo" operates by the force of the motor without using any human force against the safety pin and injection lever.
全く新しい機構とネットワーク機能New detection method ideas and network functions
Video Recording
将来的には火災状況を検知時から消火時までケスロボ搭載のミニPCで録画します。(※現在販売予定のケスロボ初号機には未搭載)In the future, kesrovo will record with a mini PC equipped with "KesuRobo" from the detection of the fire condition until the extinguishing time. (* It is not installed in the "1st-KesuRobo" planned to sell)
予め登録された近親者やご近所さんに、電話とショートメールで火災現場の状況と発砲の状況をお知らせします。This product will inform you about the status of the fire site and the situation of the fire by telephone and short mail to the close relatives and neighborhood registered in advance.
Telephone Announce
メールやショートメールでは気付いていただけない場合もありますので、自動音声にて複数の登録者へ電話でもお知らせします。Since there are times when you do not notice e-mails and SMS, we will inform you of multiple emergency telephones by automatic voice to multiple notifier (you choose).
Auto Update
近い未来には、この製品は自動で最新バージョンへアップデート可能にします。(※現在販売予定のケスロボ初号機には未搭載)In the near future, the software part of this product will automatically update to the latest version. (It is not installed in the "1st-KesuRobo" to be released. )

Pinpoint, we conduct initial fire fighting activities without any human hands
By the image processing of the infrared camera mounted in KesuRobo, It will start the initial fire fighting activity before the fire. When a small flame is detected and the flame becomes large, turn the nozzle towards fire and the kettle itself pulls out the safety pin and injects it automatically in the fire direction

Excellent network notification function
KesuRobo detects the type of fire at the timing when it is judged that it was not detected finally by mistake and sends an emergency call to all previously registered e-mail addresses, short mails, and telephone numbers. You can also notify people who can not open mails by phone, and you are always safe against fire.